
Nanas is a protocol upgrade to Runes - notice how I used the term upgrade, this is because nanas uses virtually the same philosophy as Runes:

  • Nanas are still stored in UTXOS

  • Nana protocol messages (affectionately named "Bananas") are still stored and aggregated in OP_RETURN outputs

  • The anatomy of a Banana is almost identical to runestone, with a few key differences which will be touched on further in this document

In Fact, the development of the NANA indexer started by first remaking the Runes indexer completely from scratch and using the Rune non-spec linked in the previous page. We praise the entire design philosophy of Runes and wanted to stay true to it as closely as possible. Nanas is essentially Runes with two main upgrades:

  • Priced mints: Originally proposed in , this addition would introduce whitelisted mints to Runes (allowing the creation of runes wrapping other assets, such as, btc or stablecoins) - as well as allowing Rune raises to run in a completely decentralized manner - rather than the current solution (premining and bombarding the network with new utxos).

  • Programs: The idea starts with the realization that the very nature of the existence of an indexer allows a programable layer to be added to a runestone. The idea is that this layer would allow indexers to manipulate unallocated runes during the processing of a runestone before edicts are processed (example: etches and mints create unallocated runes, then the program is able to manipulate these and allocate any amount of them to itself, or transfer from itself to the unallocated buffer which is then processed by edicts). This introduces DEFI to bitcoin, because Runes can now be manipulated programatically.

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